Learning that sticks doesn't occur after one, two or even several training events. Organizations can continue to close down shop for a "day of training" but be aware; while this looks good on the nightly news, it will do nothing to solve the overall problems.
According to a Bersin by Deloitte report, the typical employee devotes only about 1% of his time to professional development. What this means is that in a 40 hour work week, we devote less than 24 minutes to anything that resembles learning. This is the small space of time we must work with - and this is where microlearning has your back.
Use microlearning as your training disrupter.
Using microlearning as performance support to scaffold learning after a training event takes place, helps with critical feedback loops and learning reinforcement. Microlearning can help you take training that is stuck in the mud and disrupt the training process - in a good way.
Use microlearning to move the needle on behavioral change. Behavior change only comes through consistent reinforcement, delivered in small bites, and supported by the culture surrounding each colleague. How do you help people behave in a culturally sensitive manner? Once you identify behaviors, how someone acts under certain circumstances or pressure, you've only just begun.Using microlearning as spaced learning to reinforce behaviors and instilling in people the importance of why they need to be behaviorally aware will further disrupt how learning is viewed in your organization.What this means for L&DToday's modern workforce has grown up with knowledge at their fingertips, and the need for structured training is diminishing. This rapid demand requires L&D to become more flexible and sharply focused on delivering short bursts of right-sized scaffolded support. It's the smart L&D practitioner who will take advantage of this modality to disrupt learning in their organizations.