We are proud to announce a new TLDCast series by Toddi Norum called The Parity Podcast. This series will be focused on ideas and concepts focused on equality, especially in regards to status and pay. Discussions will be covering parity in organizational development, human resources, and learning and development.Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, or EDI, has many challenges in the workplace. This podcast will chronicle some of those challenges and tell the stories of practitioners and participants in our space that deal with EDI issues regularly.**Equity** seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all. We believe this is only possible in an environment built on respect and dignity.**Diversity** is the representation of all our varied identities and differences (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, etc.), collectively and as individuals. We seek to use discussion to proactively engage, understand, and draw on a variety of perspectives. Our conversations are just one of the many ways we can find to create solutions for our challenges.**Inclusion** builds a culture of belonging by actively inviting the contribution and participation of all people. We believe every person’s voice adds value, and we strive to create balance in the face of power differences. We believe that no one person can or should be called upon to represent an entire community.This episode starts with an introduction to the topic, as well as features Toddi's own experiences with EDI. Guest Molly X's challenges are also discussed. Molly has a strong background working with the military, and she talks about her current challenges navigating a very patriarchal environment.