Exploring Freelancing

February 25, 2022

Courting a Client: From Project Start to BFF with Andrea McEneaney

How to develop relationships with clients using your personality, sense of humor, and down-to-earth communication methods.

LinkedIn vs Reality: Sensible Considerations for Freelancing with Joseph Suarez

So you're sick of your job and what to become your own boss. You've seen enticing social media posts that paint a picture of lounging in a beach chair with a laptop, earning six figures as the waves gently crash onto the shore. What a life! How real is it though? What can a new freelancer really expect and consider before making the leap to full-time self-employment.

The UPs and DOWNs of Business as a Freelancer with Lisa Crockett

Whether you call it freelancing, soloprenuership, or a consultancy - working alone or leading a small business is full of all the same "stuff" as any other career. The difference is that YOU get to choose the activities and define success. This session will provide food for thought around this less conventional worklife, and help individuals set realistic expectations in pursuing their version of success.

The 5 Rs of Getting Clients with Kayleen Holt

Leaving a full-time job with a steady paycheck to go into freelancing is a scary leap. What if you don’t get enough work? Where do you find clients anyway? In this session, you’ll learn the 5 Rs of getting clients as an L&D freelancer.

Niche Your Way to Freelance Success with Parker A Grant

As a freelance instructional designer, you are often expected to do it all and do it well! You should be an all-knowing, all-doing, mystical creature that transcends the limits of the human condition. Maybe that’s how you see it. But your future clients see it differently. They want to work with YOUR unique talents, strengths, and passions. So, what do you do to find your niche in the wild and wonderful world of freelancing? We’ll explore a few ways to help you niche your way to success in this jungle.

Networking for Freelancers with Star Peterson

We'll discuss the why, how, and where of networking as a freelance instructional designer.

How Do You Know If Freelancing Is Right For You? with Conference Panel

Join a combined panel of today's speakers as they discuss how to know if freelancing is right for you, as well as other questions not covered in today's event.